It is no coincidence that the International Yoga Day falls on the same day as the Summer Solstice. June 21st is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere when the sun appears to stand still, a perfect opportunity to find “stillness” in our lives through the practice of Yoga. The
Stress and Heart Disease Does Stress Affect Your Risk for Heart Disease?
What is Stress? “Stress” is an undeniable part of our busy everyday modern lives. But can “stress” predispose you to heart disease? “Stress” or a better word “Stressor”, in and of itself does not “cause” disease. However, how we respond to stress plays a significant role in our health. Stress is often referred to as either Acute or Chronic. Acute stress is generally considered
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Eating for a Healthy Heart Heart Health Month
February is American Heart Health Month so nothing is more important than to discuss nutrition…what to eat and what not to eat for a healthy heart. This is often a confusing subject for many people, complicated by a plethora of contradicting diet books/plans, all claiming to be heart healthy. I personally don’t like the word “diet”
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Time To Detox Periodic Cleansing &Detoxification is Important for Health & Wellbeing
“When the body is cleansed, the mind purified and the senses controlled, the joyful awareness needed to realize the inner self also comes.” – Yoga Sutra Why do a Cleanse or Detox? Why stop eating the things you “love” or “need” like coffee, dairy, carbs, and alcohol? Our bodies have an amazing capacity to neutralize
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The True Meaning of Yoga On and Off The Mat
What does “Yoga” mean to you?  Do you consider Yoga to be a form of exercise, stretching, complex twists and poses for only the ultra-flexible, meditation, a religion or religious cult? The idea of Yoga is different for many people. “Yoga” has become widespread in our modern culture. This is definitely a wonderful thing.
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  I know what you’re thinking… more of that New Year, New Me bullshit. This year, however, brings a whole new meaning to Happy New Year for me. I officially retired as a cardiologist on January 1st! No more pagers!… No more rude awakenings in the middle of the night…No more hospital administration telling
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A Time & A Perfect Season For Change
 Autumn is a time of natural transformation.  It is a season of change where the leaves on the trees change their colors from warm green to fiery red and vibrant orange, then float away slowly to the ground. Like the leaves, we are in a season of transformation where we can find the courage
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Holy Hip Pain – Healing Journey
That’s right .. “Holy” hip pain because pain is often our most divine teacher. This is what I’ve learned. “Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional” – Buddha Needless to say, I was shocked to find that I was having hip pain after my recent pilgrimage to India. I was feeling incredible mentally and emotionally and felt