Memorial Day, a day Americans remember and honor those warriors who have given their lives defending and protecting our freedoms that we hold so dear. We must also honor today’s warriors, who have served our country (our veterans), or continue to risk their lives for our country. A warrior embodies the following characteristics – Courage, Faith
A Yogi’s Pilgrimage to India
Why do so many Yogis make a pilgrimage to India? A pilgrimage is a different kind of journey. It has a deeper, personal purpose. A pilgrimage is a journey of spiritual significance, in search of spiritual growth. My recent trip to India was more of a pilgrimage than a vacation. I went to India in search
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Why Yogis Go to India: Spirituality, Curiosity, and Self-discovery
 As I’m getting ready for my trip to India, I have been asked many times, “WHY are you going to India? While those who know me, know that I want to see ALL the world and will go anywhere; India, I believe will be a unique journey. The birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi, India is also
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Heart Healthy Diet Navigating through all the confusing diets & plans
What is a heart-healthy diet?  Is it high protein? low fat? high carb? low carb? no carb? gluten-free?  Is it Vegetarian? Vegan? Mediterranean? Ornish? Paleo? What if you have Diabetes? What if you’re trying to lose weight?  To add to the confusion, here are a few more terms we hear all the time and see
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Heart Disease – Signs and Symptoms
We continue this month, Heart Month, to learn more about the heart and heart disease. So how do you know if you or a loved one have heart disease? First of all, what is heart disease? Before we discuss what can go wrong, Let’s begin with a short lesson on the anatomy and function of
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Heart Health
Heart Health Awareness Month
February is Heart Awareness Month – A time when many of us connect with our hearts. This connection is primarily because of the holiday, Valentine’s Day. But along with Valentine’s Day, February also marks American Heart Month, a great time to commit to a healthy lifestyle and make small changes that can lead to a lifetime
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Stay Healthy during Cold and Flu Season
Are you ready for cold and flu season?  Ugh!I can’t believe I got sick. I never get sick and as a doctor I am exposed to sick people all the time. I have attributed this to my generally healthy lifestyle. So… maybe, I haven’t been as good as I should be, not getting enough
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Winter Can Be Hazardous to Your Heart
As winter kicks off and snowstorms strike across the country, the risk of heart attack rises. Fact: More people die of heart disease in the winter, especially the months of December and January. Why? We’ve all heard the stories about someone who suffered a heart attack while shoveling snow.  Is it the cold weather? Is